
DNAOS Applications

DNAOS provide a secure & flexible development, integration, and operation platform for distributed applications.

Standards-based and designed to integrate in most distributed network application environments, DNAOS technology increases security, integration, functionality, and performance while reducing development, operation, and maintenance costs.

DNAOS Service Platform

Designed to secure and manage distributed contents, in portal environments, DNAOS provide rich portal application support services. Distributed applications cover a wide range and some typical DNAOS applications are briefly presented in this section.

To better support and power these applications, DNAOS process streaming XML in parallel transformation pipelines, offering increased scalability, performance, and efficiency, with platform-independent integration technology.

DNAOS Applications

See also
For more information, on DNAOS , applications, as well as related technologies and issues, visit the links on this page's menu, as well as other pages on this site, or send us a note.

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